Thursday, December 2, 2010

******Twinkling Night*********

O' star, shining so high, wont you be my guiding light? Your brightness fills me with tears, how much I give to be there with you. But nothing lasts forever and as I sit there staring at the almighty I see a star fallenth from heaven O' star how could you be so wise? to give yourself up for me because on that clear and wonderful night you fell to grant me one wish you fell to earth and gave me light in my life I will neverth forget you my guiding light.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Saving Buster

{Edit} I'm feeling so sad. the holidays are almost over and straight away when I get back to school I have a double prac followed by a double science. why cant God just kill me now?

But on good news I'm thinking about adopting a gorgeous little cocker spaniel from the vets where i work part-time as an receptionist. the dog is so cute and just came from a bad home. he's seven-year-old and has this strange stomach infection. The doctors are thinking about putting him down unless someone adopts him.
The problem is that I already have two cats named Meouf (for anyone who watches Pokemon) and a tabby named Ginger. My mum says that she'd rather that I dont bring him home (his name is Buster, very appropriate isn't it?) but if I really want to save him from being put down I can, only I have to pay for all the treatment he's going to need.
So, my family is pretty poor, I live with just my mum and my older brother and I know that the treatment for Buster is going to be a LOT, so I have no idea what I should do. I dont want a dead dog on my concience.
I dont have a photo of him but this is one which I got off of the net which looks just like him

I also want to thank everyone for their advice on how I can stop my sleeping problems. They're still here (and i got a new pillow) but hopefully they will soon go away.
Also, I'm working on my spelling and grammer, hopefully it will all be better in my next update!

Friday, September 24, 2010

A case of Paranoia

I've been so exhausted lately.
I go to bed at around 9 now just so I can get some more sleep but i just end up lying there, twisting and turning all nite until i form a headache which goes to stop me from sleeping even further. everything feels rough, the blankets and stuff, & i find it so hard to get out of bed in the mornings.

Amanda (my BFF, for those of you who dont know her) told me to go and see he doctor about it but i dont want to go because i always go to the doctors! When i was around the age of 13 or 14 my mom always took me to the doctors just for little things like nose bleeds or a stomach ache.
i can just imagine them sitting there, thinking: "ohh no not her again. she comes here all the time for no apartent reason. she's worse than a sick dog. she's sad." when i com up to the counter or walk into the doctor's room. i can see it on their faces or is that just paranoia kicking in? should i just go to the doctors anyway? but what if it isn't really serious. i probably just need to get a new pillow or something.
but what if they tell me to get a new pillow, and i do, and then i still cant get to sleep so i have to go there again and ask them what else i should do. that would make them so annoyed.

i feel a headache coming on now. how annoying.

so my lovely readers. I must ask you a very important question yet again if you have any tips on what i should do. i know it's stupid that I'm too scared to go the doctors but if you guys had the same sleeping problems you can just tell me and save the whole mortification of going to the doctors in the first place.
Are sleeping pills needed? Is that the solution?

Well I'm going to head off to see if i can get any sleep since it's around 10 at night when i'm writing this.

goodnight readers!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Must tang your way around

Hello lovely people of the blog world.

Starting my trial test soon. I dont know if I should be glad or soiling my pants. Either way I dont care because I've always loved tests since I'm what you'd call a nerd so while my friends are all complaining i'm just sitting there not being able to wait until they start testing me! my mum also told me that if i got over eighty in my tests that she's going to buy me any car of my choice. as long as it's not over the price range though.

i've already started searching for the car of my dreams. i always wanted this car even before i could drive and i cant wait to get out of my ugly old volvo (i dont care if edward has one!) and into my awesome mustang.
here's a photo:

i'm totally in love with old cars. espically those little Herbie sort of Bugs. Those are so adorable!
i'm really just hoping my mum doesn't go back on her promise, and that they have a cheap enough mustang like this around!

anyway. i'm sorry my darling but i've got to flee and go do my english assignment which is tomorrow. urg. and i'm sorry for the lame joke i made as my blog title *blushes*

Sunday, August 15, 2010

interesting bus tales

The most strangest thing happened to me today. i catch the daily train to get to my school because I go to the school in the city and anyways, i was listening to my ipod, it wasn't even loud, and i was listening to Taylor Swift's 'you belong to me' and this old woman (not being offencive or anything to old women) who was sitting next to me pulled my earphones out and told me, loudly so everyone could hear, that my music was rude and offencive and i should turn it off before she went and told the train instructor on me.

So random. i did turn my ipod off straight away and tried to slowly move away from the woman without seeming rude. I still had a while to get to school though and the next thing the woman commented on was my 'too-short-skirt' - even though my dress goes to my knees!

i ignored her and put my bag on my lap and moved to the edge of the seat hoping she would go away. luckily she got off on the next stop and i was so happy to turn my ipod back on and listen to 'you belong to me' actually on full blast. Take that random lady!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Jobs, jobs, jobs

Hey People!

Today was horrid.

I'm not really into fashion and stuff but I have always wanted to work in Supre or one of those really cool and popular stores, I have also always wanted to go and become a waitress at a really cool and popular restaurant.

So today I decided to go job searching after surfing the web for any cool nearby jobs.

And I came up with working for three cool shops and a popular diner which I often go to on dates and such.

Anyway. I found out that they will only let experienced people to work at the diner (explains why the food is so yummy!) and there are already waiting lists to work at the three shops I had a choice of.

So I am still jobless and I'm really starting to regret skipping Uni after just a few months of it.

I think I might go there, however, and try again, maybe I'll learn how to sew clothes or cook.

What do you guys think??

--Miss Vipro