Sunday, August 15, 2010

interesting bus tales

The most strangest thing happened to me today. i catch the daily train to get to my school because I go to the school in the city and anyways, i was listening to my ipod, it wasn't even loud, and i was listening to Taylor Swift's 'you belong to me' and this old woman (not being offencive or anything to old women) who was sitting next to me pulled my earphones out and told me, loudly so everyone could hear, that my music was rude and offencive and i should turn it off before she went and told the train instructor on me.

So random. i did turn my ipod off straight away and tried to slowly move away from the woman without seeming rude. I still had a while to get to school though and the next thing the woman commented on was my 'too-short-skirt' - even though my dress goes to my knees!

i ignored her and put my bag on my lap and moved to the edge of the seat hoping she would go away. luckily she got off on the next stop and i was so happy to turn my ipod back on and listen to 'you belong to me' actually on full blast. Take that random lady!


Anonymous said...

I thought you were suppose to be 'travelling the world'

Amanda said...

haha, halarious. Maybe she REALLY dislikes Taylor Swift or something?

why dont you drive to school by the way? I thought you got your P's.

LadyNansei said...

oh, that must have been SO random!!

Miss Vipro said...

it was. best advice. dont listen to this song near old people on the bus.

SC said...

Jeez old ladies. I don't like most old ladies kay. They are just so stuck-up or mean to teenagers. Like me. And you. = =

I like my grandmother tho. She's a nice old lady :D haha.

Thank you for visiting! Cute blog you have here!

cervantes said...

Don't mind the grumpy geezer. Old peeps really should keep their wrinkly cold hands to themselves and not grab things that don't belong to them. Maybe she was super grumpy coz she forgot her Depends that morning.