Thursday, August 26, 2010

Must tang your way around

Hello lovely people of the blog world.

Starting my trial test soon. I dont know if I should be glad or soiling my pants. Either way I dont care because I've always loved tests since I'm what you'd call a nerd so while my friends are all complaining i'm just sitting there not being able to wait until they start testing me! my mum also told me that if i got over eighty in my tests that she's going to buy me any car of my choice. as long as it's not over the price range though.

i've already started searching for the car of my dreams. i always wanted this car even before i could drive and i cant wait to get out of my ugly old volvo (i dont care if edward has one!) and into my awesome mustang.
here's a photo:

i'm totally in love with old cars. espically those little Herbie sort of Bugs. Those are so adorable!
i'm really just hoping my mum doesn't go back on her promise, and that they have a cheap enough mustang like this around!

anyway. i'm sorry my darling but i've got to flee and go do my english assignment which is tomorrow. urg. and i'm sorry for the lame joke i made as my blog title *blushes*


~Reita~ said...

sure Miss Vipro I wuld LOVE to make a blog banner for you. Just email me and tell me what sort of blog banner you'd like.

and I love your mustang!

In The 90's. . . said...

I have a yellow mustang! well, it my grandads but technically I own it!!

ЯANdOM ЯAWR said...

I just completed my trial exams, and they were a blast.
I love old cars as well, especially Nash Metropolitans and Chevrolet Impalas. :)